More than anything, I want to be good company for you. I‘m confident in my ability to do so. From the moment I open the door to you I will make you feel welcome and comfortable, balancing the courtesy one should show a guest with the playfulness of what is to come.
After a friendly greeting, the offer of a beverage, and taking a seat together, we shall take care of the business end of things have you not already done so. A brief, warm, flirty chat may be in order to establish our individual boundaries, dependent on the experience you are seeking. I am comfortable leading this conversation as you may be unsure what's appropriate. From there, you will be given the opportunity to shower or freshen up and use the provided mouthwash.
You can expect appropriate music, romantic lighting, fresh linens and a clean and tidy environment in my humble abode.
Below you will find ideas for some of the ways we can spend our time together. Regardless of the experience you are seeking, compensation for my company is the same. Other than "sharing a bite", as that is a package.
*** The links below currently do not lead anywhere while I take my time updating those pages. Thank you for your patience. ***
Only proceed if you are at least 18 years old.