Please familiarize yourself with the information below
and always check my calendar before contacting me.
It is kept up to date for your convenience.
I am available most days at some point between 10am and 6pm. The exact times may not be shown on my website calendar and I often have a later start or wrap up early due to a personal obligation of some kind that is only determined the morning of (unless you have booked in advance in which case my time with you will take priority). Full days off will be marked "unavailable" with varying amounts of notice. Some days are marked "tbd" until the day of.
Prebooking is a good option if you need to plan ahead for a specific time and are not flexible at all. Same day requests can usually be met if you're flexible within a few hour window. I can be reached by text as early as 7am.
I can not emphasize enough that your detailed request (how long you'd like to visit, and what time you'd like to meet as well as an alternate time and/or if you are flexible) is much appreciated and takes priority over vague inquiries.
If you are looking a few days ahead at a specific day and it's marked "tbd" and you are serious about booking that day, feel free to ask me what's up and I will keep you posted.